What Are The Life Processes

  • Life processes are the basic functions that are essential for the survival of living organisms.
  • They include processes that help maintain life, growth, and reproduction.
  • Nutrition
    • Autotrophic Nutrition: Organisms (e.g., plants) make their own food using sunlight through photosynthesis.
  • Heterotrophic Nutrition: Organisms (e.g., animals) obtain food by consuming other organisms.
  • Respiration
    • Aerobic Respiration: Process of breaking down food with oxygen to produce energy (e.g., in humans and most animals).
  • Anaerobic Respiration: Process of breaking down food without oxygen (e.g., in some bacteria and yeast).
  • Transportation
    • Movement of nutrients, gases, and wastes within the organism.
    • In animals, this is done by the circulatory system (e.g., blood transport).
    • In plants, this is done by vascular tissues (xylem and phloem).
  • Excretion
    • Removal of metabolic wastes from the body to maintain internal balance.
    • In animals, excretory organs include kidneys, skin, and lungs.
    • In plants, excretion occurs through transpiration and leaf fall.
  • Growth
    • Increase in size and mass of an organism.
    • Includes cell division and differentiation to develop new tissues and organs.
  • Reproduction
    • Process by which organisms produce offspring.
    • Can be asexual (e.g., binary fission in bacteria) or sexual (e.g., reproduction involving gametes in animals and plants).
  • Response to Stimuli
    • Ability of organisms to respond to environmental changes or stimuli (e.g., light, temperature).
    • Includes both behavioral and physiological responses.
  • Homeostasis
    • Maintenance of a stable internal environment despite external changes.
    • Involves regulation of temperature, pH, and other internal conditions.
  • These processes are interconnected and often depend on each other. For example, nutrition and respiration are closely linked, as nutrients are used in respiration to produce energy.
  • Understanding life processes is crucial for comprehending how living organisms function, survive, and interact with their environment.
  • Plants: Photosynthesis (nutrition), transpiration (excretion), growth, reproduction (e.g., flowering).
  • Animals: Respiration (breathing), digestion (nutrition), circulation (transport), excretion (e.g., urination).

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