Key Notes :

  • Chemical reactions involve the transformation of substances into new substances with different properties.
  • There are several types of chemical reactions, each with distinct characteristics.

1. Combination Reactions:

  • The chemical reactions in which two or more substances (reactants) combine together to form single substance (product) are called combination reactions.
  • Also known as synthesis reactions.
  • A majority of the combination reactions are Exothermic in nature.
  • General form:

A + B → AB.

2. Decomposition Reactions:

  • The chemical reactions in which a single compound breaks into smaller or simpler substances or units are called decomposition reactions.
  • A majority of the combination reactions are Endothermic in nature.
  • General form:

AB → A + B.

3. Displacement Reactions:

  • Involves the replacement of one element in a compound by another element.
  • Single displacement:

AB + C → A+ BC.

4 . Double displacement:

  • The chemical reactions in which exchange of ions takes place when the aqueous solutions of two ionic compounds are mixed together.

AB + CD → AD + CB.

5. Precipitation Reactions:

  • A type of double displacement reaction where two soluble compounds react to form an insoluble product (precipitate).
  • Example: AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl ↓ + NaNO3.

6. Redox Reactions (Oxidation-Reduction Reactions):

  • Involves the transfer of electrons from one substance to another.
  • Oxidation: Loss of electrons.
  • Reduction: Gain of electrons.
  • Redox reactions always occur simultaneously.
  • Example: 2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl.

6. Combustion Reactions:

  • A type of redox reaction where a substance reacts with oxygen to produce heat, light, and often carbon dioxide and water.
  • Common in the burning of fuels.
  • Example: CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O.

7. Acid-Base (Neutralization) Reactions:

  • Involves the reaction between an acid and a base to produce salt and water.
  • Example: HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O.

8. Precipitation, Acid-Base, and Redox Reactions in Daily Life:

  • Precipitation: Formation of scale in kettles due to the reaction between calcium and carbonate ions in hard water.
  • Acid-Base: Antacid tablets neutralize excess stomach acid.
  • Redox: Rusting of iron is a common redox process.

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