Identify and correct errors with subject and object pronouns

subject pronoun acts as the subject of a sentence or clause. It can also act as a predicate nominative, following a linking verb (like am, is, are, was, were or be). The main subject pronouns are I, you, he, she, it, we and they.

Ryan is away, but he can be reached by phone or email.

The subject pronoun he is the subject of a clause.

Yes, it was she who won first place.

The subject pronoun she is a predicate nominative. It follows the linking verb was.

An object pronoun acts as the object of an action verb or preposition (like at, for, on, of, to or with). The main object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us and them.

‘No one appreciates me!’ lamented Tracy.

The object pronoun me is the direct object of the action verb appreciates.

Dr Yang showed us the X-ray.

The object pronoun us is the indirect object of the action verb showed.

The phone call was for him.

The object pronoun him is the object of the preposition for.

In a phrase like Nina and I or Brandon or me, it can be difficult to tell which form of the pronoun is correct. To find out, replace the phrase with each form of the pronoun.

Nina and ___ analysed the data.

The subject pronoun he is correct. It is the subject of a clause.

I analysed the data.

X Me analysed the data.

The subject pronoun I should be used as the subject of the sentence.

Emma will get a lift with Brandon or ___.

Emma will get a lift with me.

X Emma will get a lift with I.

The object pronoun me should be used as the object of the preposition with.

Learn with an example

I heard the electrician was looking for an apprentice, so I sent him an email expressing my interest along with a copy of my CV.

  • The object pronoun him is correct. It is the indirect object of the action verb sent.
  • I heard the electrician was looking for an apprentice, so I sent him an email expressing my interest along with a copy of my CV.

Because the stallion often becomes skittish during thunderstorms, its handler warned Molly and me to keep a safe distance.

  • The pronoun is part of the phrase Molly and ___.
  • Because the stallion often becomes skittish during thunderstorms, its handler warned Molly and ___ to keep a safe distance.
  • Replace the phrase with each form of the pronoun.
  • X.Because the stallion often becomes skittish during  thunderstorms, its handler warned I to keep a safe distance.
  • .Because the stallion often becomes skittish during  thunderstorms, its handler warned me to keep  a safe distance.
  • The object pronoun me is correct. It is the direct object of the action verb warned.

If the rugby referees would only give we and our opponents a clearer sense of the rules, there would be fewer offences.

  • The pronoun is part of the phrase ___ and our opponents.
  • If the rugby referees would only give ___ and our opponents a clearer sense of the rules, there would be fewer offences.
  • Replace the phrase with each form of the pronoun.
  • X.If the rugby referees would only give we a clearer sense  of the rules, there would be fewer offences.
  • .If the rugby referees would only give us a clearer  sense of the rules, there would be fewer offences.
  • The object pronoun us is correct. It is the indirect object of the action verb give.