Analogies: challenge

Key Notes :

Analogies are comparisons between two things that show how they are similar. They often use a pair of words or phrases to illustrate the relationship between them.

  1. Synonym Analogies: Word pairs with similar meanings (e.g., happy : joyful).
  2. Antonym Analogies: Word pairs with opposite meanings (e.g., hot : cold).
  3. Part to Whole Analogies: A part and its whole (e.g., petal : flower).
  4. Cause to Effect Analogies: One thing causes another (e.g., study : success).
  5. Function Analogies: The role or function of something (e.g., pen : write).

  • Determine the relationship between the first pair of words.
  • Apply the same relationship to find the missing word in the second pair.

  • A is to B as C is to D: Identify how A relates to B, and then apply the same relationship to find D, given C.

  • Synonym: (e.g., intelligent : smart as generous : kind).
  • Antonym: (e.g., light : heavy as happy : sad).
  • Cause and Effect: (e.g., rain : flood as bake : cake).
  • Function: (e.g., keyboard : type as pen : write).

  1. Analyze Relationships: Break down the relationship between words in the given pairs to understand their connection.
  2. Use Context Clues: Consider the context in which the words are used to determine their relationship.
  3. Practice with Examples: Use a variety of analogy types and relationships to practice and reinforce understanding.
  4. Identify Patterns: Look for common patterns in analogy questions, such as changes in parts of speech, functions, or relationships.

Let’s practice!