Choose the word whose connotation and denotation best match the sentence

Key Notes:

  • Denotation: The literal or primary meaning of a word (its dictionary definition).
  • Connotation: The secondary, implied, or emotional meaning of a word beyond its literal meaning. Connotations can be positive, negative, or neutral.

  • To select the right word, you need to understand the context of the sentence fully. Consider what mood or tone the sentence conveys and how the word choice affects that.

  • Ensure that the word you choose matches the literal meaning required by the sentence. It should fit the factual context perfectly.

  • Examine how each word’s connotation fits with the tone or implied meaning of the sentence. This involves understanding the emotional or cultural undertones of the word.

  • Identify the main idea and the context. What is the sentence trying to convey?

  • Look up the definitions of the possible words. Choose the one that fits the literal meaning of the sentence.

  • Consider the emotional or cultural implications of each word. Choose the one that aligns with the tone and intention of the sentence.

  • Ensure that both the connotation and denotation of the word fit seamlessly into the sentence without altering its meaning or tone.

Sentence: The manager’s __________ speech inspired the team to work harder.

  • A. Motivational
  • B. Pedantic
  • C. Informative
  • D. Critical

  • Motivational: Providing encouragement or inspiration.
  • Pedantic: Overly concerned with minor details or rules.
  • Informative: Providing useful or interesting information.
  • Critical: Expressing disapproval or finding faults.

  • Motivational: Positive, encouraging.
  • Pedantic: Negative, overly concerned with minutiae.
  • Informative: Neutral, factual.
  • Critical: Negative, fault-finding.

Correct Choice: A. Motivational

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