Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots

Key Notes :

  • Roots are the basic building blocks of words. They provide the core meaning of the word.
  • Understanding Greek and Latin roots can help students decode unfamiliar words and enhance their vocabulary.

  • Greek Roots:
    • Auto- (self): automobile, autonomy
    • Bio- (life): biology, biography
    • Chron- (time): chronology, synchronize
    • Demo- (people): democracy, demographics
    • Graph- (write): autograph, biography
  • Latin Roots:
    • Aud- (hear): audio, audible
    • Dict- (speak): dictate, dictionary
    • Port- (carry): transport, portable
    • Spect- (see): inspect, spectator
    • Vinc- (conquer): victory, invincible

  • Prefix: A root can have a prefix that changes its meaning. For example, un- in unknown.
  • Suffix: A root can also have a suffix that alters its grammatical function or meaning. For example, -logy in biology.

  • Break down the word into its root and affixes (prefixes/suffixes).
  • Identify the root and its meaning.
  • Combine the meanings of the root and affixes to understand the entire word.

  • Telegraph:
    • Tele- (distant) + -graph (write) = to write over a distance.
  • Unpredictable:
    • Un- (not) + predict (foretell) + -able (capable of) = not able to be foretold.

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