Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots

  • Greek and Latin are ancient languages that have heavily influenced English vocabulary.
  • Many English words are derived from Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
  • Understanding these roots helps in deciphering meanings of unfamiliar words and enhances vocabulary.

  • Root: The core part of a word that contains its fundamental meaning.
  • Prefix: A group of letters added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
  • Suffix: A group of letters added at the end of a word to change its meaning.

  • Greek Roots: Examples include “bio” (life), “chron” (time), “derm” (skin), “geo” (earth), “logos” (word, study), “phobos” (fear), etc.
  • Latin Roots: Examples include “aud” (hear), “duc” (lead), “gen” (birth, kind), “port” (carry), “spect” (see), “vid” (see), etc.

  • Vocabulary Expansion: Helps in understanding the meanings of new words encountered in reading and daily life.
  • Improved Reading Comprehension: Enables students to decipher the meaning of complex words and texts more effectively.
  • Language Appreciation: Provides insight into the historical and linguistic connections between English and classical languages.

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