Words with pre-

Key Notes:-

Definition of Prefix “pre-“: Explain that “pre-” means before or earlier than. It’s a prefix added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

  • Precede: To come before something else in time, order, or rank.
  • Predict: To foretell or forecast future events based on present indications.
  • Prepare: To make ready or suitable beforehand.
  • Preview: To view or show something (such as a movie) before it is released to the general public.
  • Prefix: A linguistic element added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning.

Discuss how words with “pre-” are used in everyday language and various contexts. Encourage students to identify these words in texts they read.

Break down the structure of words containing “pre-” to demonstrate how the prefix changes the word’s meaning. For instance, “predict” combines “pre-” (before) and “dict” (say) to form a word meaning to say before.

Explore how new words are formed using “pre-” and how understanding this prefix helps in understanding the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Encourage students to identify “pre-” words in texts they read, discussing how the prefix affects the meaning and context of the sentence.

Optionally, discuss the etymology of “pre-” and its historical usage in English and other languages.

Let’s practice!