Use the correct frequently confused word

Certain words are often confused with one another. In your writing, you should pay close attention to these words and make sure you are using them correctly.

For example, fewer and less have similar meanings, but you should use them differently. Use fewer to describe things you can count, like pencils. Use less to describe things you can’t count, like water.

Fewer people than expected came to watch the race.

Our town received less rain this year due to the heat wave.

Affect and effect have similar spellings and can sound the same, but they have different meanings. Affect is usually a verb that means to change or influence. Effect is usually a noun that means an outcome or result.

Our team was losing, but I tried not to let that affect my performance.

The new medicine has an amazing effect on cold symptoms.

Learn with an example

Some new research suggests that consuming ____ calories may help you live longer. Rhesus monkeys on a reduced-calorie diet experienced better health and increased longevity.

  • less
  • fewer

Look at the answer choices, less and fewer.

Use fewer to describe things you can count, like pencils. Use less to describe things you can’t count, like water.

The correct choice to use in the text is fewer.

Some new research suggests that consuming fewer calories may help you live longer. Rhesus monkeys on a reduced-calorie diet experienced better health and increased longevity.

How do you ____ the perfect gifts for your loved ones? One idea is to get them things they want but feel guilty buying for themselves.

  • choose
  • chose

Look at the answer choices, choose and chose.

Choose, which is in the present tense, means to make a decision or selection. Chose, which is in the past tense, rhymes with nose and means made a decision or selection.

The correct choice to use in the text is choose.

How do you choose the perfect gifts for your loved ones? One idea is to get them things they want but feel guilty buying for themselves.

While actress Sandra Bullock was making the 2013 science fiction thriller Gravity, she received ____ from NASA astronaut Cady Coleman—who was working aboard the International Space Station at the time—on how to portray an astronaut.

  • advice
  • advise

Look at the answer choices, advice and advise.

Advice rhymes with mice. It is a noun that means a recommendation for actionAdvise rhymes with wise. It is a verb that means to recommend an action.

The correct choice to use in the text is advice.

While actress Sandra Bullock was making the 2013 science fiction thriller Gravity, she received advice from NASA astronaut Cady Coleman—who was working aboard the International Space Station at the time—on how to portray an astronaut.