Identify active and passive voice

If a sentence is in active voice, the subject performs the action.

The dog bit the intruder. The subject, the dog, performs the biting.

If a sentence is in passive voice, the subject receives the action.

The intruder was bitten by the dog. The subject, the intruder, receives the biting.

In passive voice, the verb phrase includes a form of to be plus a past participle.

In France, the Mona Lisa is called La Joconde. We should have been notified about the change.

Learn with an example

  • The Mitchells were thrilled by the news of their granddaughter’s birth.
  • The news of their granddaughter’s birth thrilled the Mitchells.

The first sentence is the one in passive voice. The subject receives the action, and the verb phrase were thrilled includes a form of to be plus a past participle.

The Mitchells were thrilled by the news of their granddaughter’s birth.

The second sentence is in active voice. The subject performs the action, and the verb thrilled does not include a form of to be plus a past participle.

The news of their granddaughter’s birth thrilled the Mitchells.

  • Millions of filmgoers knew silent film star Charlie Chaplin for his character The Tramp.
  • Silent film star Charlie Chaplin was known by millions for his character The Tramp.

The second sentence is the one in passive voice. The subject receives the action, and the verb phrase was known includes a form of to be plus a past participle.

Silent film star Charlie Chaplin was known by millions for his character The Tramp.

The first sentence is in active voice. The subject performs the action, and the verb knew does not include a form of to be plus a past participle.

Millions of filmgoers knew silent film star Charlie Chaplin for his character The Tramp.

  • An X-ray could have detected the hairline fracture in his arm.
  • The hairline fracture could have been detected by an X-ray.

The second sentence is the one in passive voice. The subject receives the action, and the verb phrase could have been detected includes a form of to be plus a past participle.

The hairline fracture could have been detected by an X-ray.

The first sentence is in active voice. The subject performs the action, and the verb phrase could have detected does not include a form of to be plus a past participle.

An X-ray could have detected the hairline fracture in his arm.