Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns

plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing.

possessive noun shows who or what owns something or has something.

Add an apostrophe and -s (‘s) to a singular noun to make it a possessive noun.

  • Matt → Matt‘s glove
  • the bird → the bird‘s wings

When a plural noun ends in -s, just add an apostrophe (‘) to make it a possessive noun.

  • the boys → the boys camp
  • the schools → the schools teams

When a plural noun does not end in -s, add an apostrophe and -s (‘s) to make it a possessive noun.

  • the children → the children‘s toys
  • the mice → the mice‘s tails

Learn with an example

  • Adele takes her civic responsibilities seriously and views it as a citizens duty to vote in elections.

Fix the one plural or possessive error.A dele takes her civic responsibilities

Seriously And View sit as a citizens duty to vote in elections

  • Saturn is one of our solar systems most spectacular planets. It is the second largest planet after Jupiter and its gaseous atmosphere has seven rings’ which can be seen from Earth with a telescope.

Change systems to system’s, which is a singular possessive noun. Take the singular noun system and add an apostrophe and -s to make it possessive.

Change rings’ to rings, which is a plural noun. A plural noun does not use an apostrophe.

  • Sheeps ages are generally determined by the number and condition of their teeth, though the maturation rate of the breed in question must also be taken into consideration.

Change Sheeps to Sheep’s, which is a plural possessive noun. The plural noun Sheep does not end in -s, so add an apostrophe and -s to make it possessive.