Use parallel structure

When two or more words, phrases, or clauses are joined by a coordinating conjunction to form a series, those elements must be parallel in structure. Parallel elements have the same grammatical function in the sentence.

x The community center is a hub of activity and well-equipped for meetings. The second element is not a noun phrase.

✔ The community center is a hub of activity and a well-equipped meeting space. Both elements are noun phrases.

For joined verb phrases, each phrase must contain its own helping or modal verb, or the initial helping or modal verb must apply to all of the phrases.

x Sarah will order the flowerspick up the decorations, and might help us set up. The second element is missing a modal verb.

✔ Sarah will order the flowerswill pick up the decorations and might help us set up. All three elements have a modal verb.

✔ Sarah will order the flowerspick up the decorations and help us set up. The modal verb applies to all of the elements.

Correlative conjunctions, like both/andeither/orneither/nor and not only/but also, must also join parallel elements.

x Leslie is neither tall nor is she particularly athletic. The first element is an adjective. The second element is a clause.

✔ Leslie is neither tall nor particularly athletic. The first element is an adjective. The second element is an adjective phrase.

Learn with an example

Researchers who studied the health benefits of cycling found that the activity ______ falls asleep more quickly but also helps them sleep longer.

  • not only helps people
  • help people not only

The sentence uses the correlative conjunctions not only/but also. In this sentence, the correlative conjunctions join two verb phrases, so the correct answer is not only to help people.

Researchers who studied the health benefits of cycling found that the activity not only helps people fall asleep more quickly but also helps them sleep longer.

In its depiction of the dramatic differences in parenting techniques around the world, the documentary film Babies is humorous, eye opening and ______

  • quite educational
  • educates viewers

Look at the other elements in the series. They are adjectives, so the missing element must also be an adjective or an adjective phrase—an adjective and the words that modify it. The correct answer is quite educational.

In its depiction of the dramatic differences in parenting techniques around the world, the documentary film Babies is humorous, eye opening and quite educational.

Installing rooftop solar panels has reduced my family’s monthly electricity bills to practically nothing, lessened our dependence on fossil fuels and ______ .

  • could possibly enhance the value of our home
  • possibly enhanced the value of our home

Look at the other elements in the series. They are verb phrases, so the missing element must also be a verb phrase. The elements share a helping verb, so the correct answer is possibly enhanced the value of our home.

Installing rooftop solar panels has reduced my family’s monthly electricity bills to practically nothing, lessened our dependence on fossil fuels and possibly enhanced the value of our home.