Avoid double, illogical and unclear comparisons

When writing, avoid unclear or illogical comparisons.

An unclear comparison occurs when a comparison has more than one possible interpretation.

x Marco is more annoyed by the noise than his sister.

There are two possible interpretations:

Marco is more annoyed by the noise than his sister is.

Marco is more annoyed by the noise than he is annoyed by his sister.

Illogical comparisons occur in a couple of ways:

1. The comparison compares two things that cannot be compared.

x The average height of the buildings in New York is much higher than my town.You cannot compare the height of buildings to a town.

✔ The average height of the buildings in New York is much higher than in my town.

2. The comparison needs the word other or else to make sense.

x I think blue is prettier than any colour. Blue is a colour. It cannot be prettier than itself.

✔ I think blue is prettier than any other colour.

3. The comparison uses a superlative form instead of a comparative form, or vice versa.

x Of the two of us, Alyssa is fastest. When comparing only two things, the comparative form should be used.

✔ Of the two of us, Alyssa is faster.

Learn with an example

‘Admit it, Simon. You don’t want to go to the amusement park because you’re ______.’

  • more afraid of roller coasters than anyone
  • even more afraid of roller coasters than Kevin is
  • even more afraid of roller coasters than Kevin

Here is the correct text:

‘Admit it, Simon. You don’t want to go to the amusement park because you’re even more afraid of roller coasters than Kevin is.’

The other answer choices are incorrect:

x ‘Admit it, Simon. You don’t want to go to the amusement park because you’re more afraid of roller coasters than anyone.’ Comparing Simon to anyone is illogical. This comparison needs the word else to make sense.

x ‘Admit it, Simon. You don’t want to go to the amusement park because you’re even more afraid of roller coasters than Kevin.’ This comparison is unclear. It has two possible interpretations.

I prefer the landscapes of the desert ______.

  • to those of the coast
  • to any landscape
  • to the coast

Here is the correct text:

I prefer the landscapes of the desert to those of the coast.

The other answer choices are incorrect:

x I prefer the landscapes of the desert to any landscape. Comparing landscapes to any landscape is illogical. The comparison needs the word other to make sense.

x I prefer the landscapes of the desert to the coast. Comparing landscapes to the coast is illogical.

Pip tends to be ______.

  • calmer about tests than his brother is
  • calmer about tests than anyone
  • more calmer about tests than his brother is

Here is the correct text:

Pip tends to be calmer about tests than his brother is.

The other answer choices are incorrect:

x Pip tends to be calmer about tests than anyone. Comparing Pip to anyone is illogical. The comparison needs the word else to make sense.

x Pip tends to be more calmer about tests than his brother is. More calmer is a double comparison.