Commas with coordinate adjectives

Coordinate adjectives are adjectives that describe the same noun equally. They should be separated with commas.Answer these two questions to check for coordinate adjectives:

Does the text still sound okay when the adjective order is changed?

Does the text still sound okay when and is inserted?If the answer to both questions is yes, then the adjectives are coordinate and should be separated with commas.

Learn with an example


  • The dark foggy conditions resulted in limited road visibility, so all major thoroughfares were temporarily closed.

Look for adjectives that are next to each other and then test whether they are coordinate adjectives.Dark and foggy are coordinate adjectives, so they should be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text still sounds okay when the adjective order is changed as well as when and is inserted.

  • foggy, dark conditions(true)
  • dark and foggy conditions(true)

Limited and road are not coordinate adjectives, so they should not be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text does not sound right at all when the adjective order is changed or when and is inserted.

  • road limited visibility(false)
  • limited and road visibility(false)

All and major are not coordinate adjectives, so they should not be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text does not sound right at all when the adjective order is changed or when and is inserted.

  • major all thoroughfares(false)
  • all and major thoroughfares(false)


  • Dune du Pilat—the tallest sand dune in Europe—is a popular tourist attraction that is visited annually by millions of inquisitive enthusiastic tourists.

Look for adjectives that are next to each other and then test whether they are coordinate adjectives.Tallest and sand are not coordinate adjectives, so they should not be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text does not sound right at all when the adjective order is changed or when and is inserted.

  • sand tallest dune(false)
  • tallest and sand dune(false)

Popular and tourist are not coordinate adjectives, so they should not be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text does not sound right at all when the adjective order is changed or when and is inserted.

  • tourist popular attraction(false)
  • popular and tourist attraction(false)

Inquisitive and enthusiastic are coordinate adjectives, so they should be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text still sounds okay when the adjective order is changed as well as when and is inserted.

  • enthusiastic, inquisitive tourists(true)
  • inquisitive and enthusiastic tourists(true)


  • Named for their enormous horns that measure up to three metres from tip to tip, Texas longhorns are rugged adaptable cattle that are known to be gentle intelligent creatures.

Look for adjectives that are next to each other and then test whether they are coordinate adjectives.Rugged and adaptable are coordinate adjectives, so they should be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text still sounds okay when the adjective order is changed as well as when and is inserted.

  • adaptable, rugged cattle(true)
  • rugged and adaptable cattle(true)

Gentle and intelligent are coordinate adjectives, so they should be separated with a comma. You can tell because the text still sounds okay when the adjective order is changed as well as when and is inserted.

  • intelligent, gentle creatures(true)
  • gentle and intelligent creatures(true)