Choose the analysis that logically connects the evidence to the claim

Argumentative writing is based on claims, evidence, and analysis. The analysis explains how and why the evidence supports the claim.

Strong analysis makes this connection by providing a statement of value, underlying principle, or general interpretive rule that helps readers to understand how the evidence supports the claim.

statement of value is a statement about fundamental priorities that can be used to guide decisions.

Claim: Parents should not let their children watch television for more than an hour per day.

Evidence: Children who watch several hours of television per day spend less time outside than they would otherwise.

Analysis: It’s vital that children spend time outside.

An underlying principle is a belief or understanding about how the world works.

Claim: Romeo and Juliet do not really love each other.

Evidence: They claim to be in love after only a few brief conversations.

Analysis: True love requires long periods of time in which two people get to know each other.

general interpretive rule is a rule that can be used to interpret a certain type of information.

Claim: Mahatma Gandhi was a visionary.

Evidence: He led India to its independence from Great Britain and inspired similar movements for freedom and civil rights around the world.

Analysis: The mark of a visionary is the ability to effect social change by standing up for one’s own beliefs.

Analysis should not:

x present further evidence

x discuss aspects of the evidence that are unrelated to the claim

x jump too quickly to conclusions about ‘what should be done’

x make assumptions or interpretations that are not actually supported by the evidence

Learn with an example

➡️ Read the claim and the supporting evidence.

Claim: Finley should not have been made team captain.

Evidence: Half the players on the team are more talented than Finley is.

Choose the analysis that better explains the connection.

  • Only a top player should be team captain.
  • We should let the coach know that this was not a fair decision.

Taken together, the evidence and analysis support the claim:

Evidence: Half the players on the team are more talented than Finley is.


Analysis: Only a top player should be team captain.


Claim: Finley should not have been made team captain.

The analysis provides a general interpretive rule that connects the evidence to the claim.

The other answer choice jumps to a conclusion about what should be done instead of connecting the evidence to the claim.

➡️ Read the claim and the supporting evidence.

Claim: Parents should limit the sugar-sweetened beverages their children drink.

Evidence: Sugar-sweetened beverages can contribute to health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

Choose the analysis that better explains the connection.

  • Parents are obliged to take steps to protect the health of their children.
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages are often marketed to children through television and print advertisements.

Taken together, the evidence and analysis support the claim:

Evidence: Sugar-sweetened beverages can contribute to health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.


Analysis: Parents are obliged to take steps to protect the health of their children.


Claim: Parents should limit the sugar-sweetened beverages their children drink.

The analysis provides an underlying principle that connects the evidence to the claim.

The other answer choice fails to address the claim.

➡️ Read the claim and the supporting evidence.

Claim: Peter is remarkably virtuous.

Evidence: Peter is generous with his time.

Choose the analysis that better explains the connection.

  • Peter believes generosity need not involve money.
  • Generosity is a key virtue.

Taken together, the evidence and analysis support the claim:

Evidence: Peter is generous with his time.


Analysis: Generosity is a key virtue.


Claim: Peter is remarkably virtuous.

The analysis provides a larger value that connects the evidence to the claim.

The other answer choice fails to address the claim.