Identify stronger and weaker evidence to support a claim

To make an effective argument, be sure to provide evidence that your readers will find trustworthy and persuasive.

The strongest evidence to support a factual claim

  • directly supports the claim;
  • comes from a credible source, such as well-conducted research or an expert in the field;
  • is not merely anecdotal, or based on the personal experiences of just one person or a small group of people.

Claim: In contrast to previous generations, millennials don’t feel as compelled to get married.

✔Among all age groups surveyed by a governmental polling agency, millennials were most likely to agree with the statement ‘Marriage is becoming obsolete.’This evidence directly supports the claim, comes from a credible source and is not anecdotal.

x UK census figures indicate that the rate of marriage is at an all-time low.This evidence does not directly support the claim. It gives a fact about marriage in general, but it does not focus on any particular generation.

xOn a social network, a friend posts, ‘Marriage is a dying institution. For us millennials, it’s just not a requirement anymore.’This evidence is not credible. Anyone can make a post on a social netwm

ork. It’s also anecdotal, since it shows the perspective of only one person.

Learn with an example

🔔 Consider this claim:

While white chocolate contains some different ingredients from other chocolates, it should still be considered a subcategory of chocolate.

  • Evidence A: Pastry chef David Lebovitz, author of The Great Book of Chocolate, says that it makes sense to group white chocolate with milk and dark chocolates, since they are all made from cacao beans.
  • Evidence B: The cashier at Sweetzer’s Bakery encourages people to celebrate National Chocolate Day by purchasing the bakery’s three-layer white chocolate cake.

Review the claim:

While white chocolate contains some different ingredients from other chocolates, it should still be considered a subcategory of chocolate.

This piece of evidence better supports the claim:

✔ Pastry chef David Lebovitz, author of The Great Book of Chocolate, says that it makes sense to group white chocolate with milk and dark chocolates, since they are all made from cacao beans.

The other answer choice doesn’t provide strong evidence:

x The cashier at Sweetzer’s Bakery encourages people to celebrate National Chocolate Day by purchasing the bakery’s three-layer white chocolate cake.

🔔 Consider this claim:

Independent of their meanings, some words have a more pleasing sound than others.

Which piece of evidence better supports this claim?

  • Evidence A: The British Council surveyed over forty thousand people worldwide about what the most beautiful word in the English language is. Words with positive meanings dominated the list: motherpassionsmilelove and eternity were the top five choices.
  • Evidence B: A linguist analysed lists of words that sound the most beautiful to English speakers. He noted sound-related trends among the ‘beautiful’ words, such as having three syllables, having the accent on the first syllable and containing the sounds m and l.

Review the claim:

Independent of their meanings, some words have a more pleasing sound than others.

This piece of evidence better supports the claim:

✔ A linguist analysed lists of words that sound the most beautiful to English speakers. He noted sound-related trends among the ‘beautiful’ words, such as having three syllables, having the accent on the first syllable and containing the sounds m and l.

The other answer choice doesn’t provide strong evidence:

x The British Council surveyed over forty thousand people worldwide about what the most beautiful word in the English language is. Words with positive meanings dominated the list: motherpassionsmilelove and eternity were the top five choices.

🔔 Consider this claim:

Independent of their meanings, some words have a more pleasing sound than others.

  • Evidence A: A linguist analysed lists of words that sound the most beautiful to English speakers. He noted sound-related trends among the ‘beautiful’ words, such as having three syllables, having the accent on the first syllable and containing the sounds m and l.
  • Evidence B: The British Council surveyed over forty thousand people worldwide about what the most beautiful word in the English language is. Words with positive meanings dominated the list: motherpassionsmilelove and eternity were the top five choices.

Review the claim:

Independent of their meanings, some words have a more pleasing sound than others.

This piece of evidence better supports the claim:

✔ A linguist analysed lists of words that sound the most beautiful to English speakers. He noted sound-related trends among the ‘beautiful’ words, such as having three syllables, having the accent on the first syllable and containing the sounds m and l.

The other answer choice doesn’t provide strong evidence:

x The British Council surveyed over forty thousand people worldwide about what the most beautiful word in the English language is. Words with positive meanings dominated the list: motherpassionsmilelove and eternity were the top five choices.