Choose the topic sentence that best captures the main idea

topic sentence states the main idea of a paragraph. The rest of the paragraph provides evidence and analysis to help support or prove the main idea presented by the topic sentence.

When writing, be sure to craft a topic sentence that accurately synthesises what the paragraph is about. It should not be too broad, too narrow or off topic.

Learn with an example

  • Vultures eat meat left over by large predators.
  • Lions feed on large herbivores like zebras and giraffes.
  • Elephants graze on grasses and break down plants, making the vegetation edible for smaller herbivores.

Choose the best topic sentence to introduce a paragraph containing these details.

  • The African savannah is home to scavengers, which survive off the remnants left by predators.
  • The warm climate of the African savannah makes food plentiful for all animals.
  • Animals in the African savannah depend on other animals in their ecosystem to survive.

First, decide what the details have in common. In this case, they each describe ways that animals in the savannah depend on other cohabitants to survive.

The topic sentence that best introduces these details is Animals in the African savannah depend on other animals in their ecosystem to survive. It accurately reflects the paragraph’s focus, and it is supported by each of the details.

  • Labrador retrievers work well for a variety of owners, unlike German Shepherds, which do better with more confident owners.
  • The Guide Dogs Breeding Centre in the UK uses Labrador retrievers more than any other breed because they make the most successful service dogs.
  • Labrador retrievers are intelligent and friendly.

Choose the best topic sentence to introduce a paragraph containing these details.

  • Service dogs must be comfortable around people, willing to work long hours and easy to train.
  • Labrador retrievers make ideal service dogs because they have the best temperament for working with people.
  • A variety of dog breeds can be trained to become effective service dogs.

First decide what the details have in common. In this case, they are all reasons Labrador retrievers make ideal service dogs.

The topic sentence that best introduces these details is Labrador retrievers make ideal service dogs because they have the best temperament for working with people. It accurately reflects the paragraph’s focus, and it is supported by each of the details.

  • Prior to refrigeration, ancient civilisations depended on root cellars, collected ice, salting and other methods to cool and preserve their foods.
  • The Royal Society named the refrigerator the most important invention in the history of food, followed by pasteurisation, canning and the oven.
  • Modern refrigeration has reduced the number of foodborne illnesses and has allowed fresh foods to be transported long distances.

Choose the best topic sentence to introduce a paragraph containing these details.

  • Ancient civilisations used a variety of techniques to compensate for their lack of refrigeration.
  • The invention of the modern refrigerator revolutionised the process of storing food.
  • The modern refrigerator went through many versions as it was developed over more than a century.

First decide what the details have in common. In this case, they all relate to the significance of the invention of the refrigerator in the history of food preservation.

The topic sentence that best introduces these details is The invention of the modern refrigerator revolutionised the process of storing food. It accurately reflects the paragraph’s focus, and it is supported by each of the details.

  • Add a five to eight centimetre layer of decayed leaves and manure to improve the quality of the soil.
  • Plant vegetables in a spot that receives at least six hours of sunlight every day.
  • Choose vegetables that are suited to the climate, consult the seed packet for planting instructions and water seedlings daily.

Choose the best topic sentence to introduce a paragraph containing these details.

  • Most soil is not nourishing enough to support seedlings, but there are ways to improve it.
  • To create a thriving vegetable garden, try to ensure optimal conditions for your plants.
  • Plan your vegetable garden so that plants will receive adequate sunlight and water.

First decide what the details have in common. In this case, they are all guidelines for providing plants with the proper growing conditions.

The topic sentence that best introduces these details is To create a thriving vegetable garden, try to ensure optimal conditions for your plants. It accurately reflects the paragraph’s focus, and it is supported by each of the details.

Review the details below.

  • In some countries where natural disasters are not uncommon, people are recommended to keep emergency kits. Emergency kits are best stored in cool, dry places with food and water supplies refreshed periodically.
  • Emergency kits should be available at home, at work and in cars.
  • A basic emergency kit should include a three-day supply of food and water and a first aid kit.


#1. Choose the best topic sentence to introduce a paragraph containing these details.
