Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions used in pairs. They are used to show a relationship between two equal parts of a sentence, such as two nouns or two verb phrases. Some common correlative conjunctions are both/andnot only/but alsoneither/noreither/orwhether/or, and if/then.

The correlative conjunctions both/and and not only/but also are used to connect two things that are each true.

  • Both Natalie and I play the piano.
  • Tammy not only directed the show but also wrote the music!

The correlative conjunctions neither/nor are used to connect two things that are each untrue.

  • Neither Ryan nor Emma has been to Canada.

The correlative conjunctions either/or are used to connect two possibilities or choices.

  • Either Alyssa will answer the phone, or it will go to voicemail.

The correlative conjunctions whether/or are used to connect two possibilities or choices and express some uncertainty about which is true.

  • I’m not sure whether Bryan or Sonia borrowed my book.

The correlative conjunctions if/then are used to connect a condition with its consequence.

  • If this map is correct, then Ms. Perez’s directions are inaccurate.

Learn with an example

The influenza virus H5N1 is transmitted from infected birds to humans.____The virus evolved into a strain that could be transmitted between humans, ____ it could quickly spread worldwide.

  • Either . . . or
  • If . . . then

The sentence tells about a condition and its consequence, so use the correlative conjunctions if and then.

The influenza virus H5N1 is transmitted from infected birds to humans. If the virus evolved into a strain that could be transmitted between humans, then it could quickly spread worldwide.

The influenza virus H5N1 is transmitted from infected birds to humans.  the virus evolved into a strain that could be transmitted between humans,  it could quickly spread worldwide.

  • Either . . . or
  • If . . . then

The sentence tells about a condition and its consequence, so use the correlative conjunctions if and then.The influenza virus H5N1 is transmitted from infected birds to humans. If the virus evolved into a strain that could be transmitted between humans, then it could quickly spread worldwide.

Most vertebrates can perceive the same five flavors that humans can: bitter, salty, sour, sweet, and umami. However, genetic research indicates that whales and dolphins are unable to taste any flavor other than salty.

  • either . . . or
  • both . . . and

The sentence tells about two things that are each true, so use the correlative conjunctions both and.

Most vertebrates can perceive the same five flavors that humans can: bitter, salty, sour, sweet, and umami. However, genetic research indicates that both whales and dolphins are unable to taste any flavor other than salty.