Form the progressive verb tenses

The progressive tense describes ongoing actions. It describes something that is, was, or will be happening. To form the progressive tenses, use a form of the helping verb to be with a main verb ending in -ing.

The present progressive tense describes something that is happening right now. It uses a present-tense form of the helping verb to be (isam or are).

Julie is playing basketball right now.

The past progressive tense describes something that was happening in the past. It uses a past-tense form of the helping verb to be (was or were).

Sam was talking to Mrs Jones when the phone rang.

The future progressive tense describes something that will be happening in the future. It uses the future-tense form of the helping verb to be (will be).

Karen will be visiting next June.

Learn with an example

  • William ____ ( look ) for a new flatmate when I move out at the end of the month, so if you’re interested in the room, I can put you in touch with him.
  • The sentence should be completed in the future progressivetense.
  • Use the helping verb will be with the -ing form of the main verb, look.
  • William will be looking for a new flatmate when I move out at the end of the month, so if you’re interested in the room, I can put you in touch with him.
  • Charlotte _____ ( arrive ) in Mumbai in three hours, and her first order of business is to eat pani puri from her favourite food stall.
  • The sentence should be completed in the future progressivetense.
  • Use the helping verb will be with the -ing form of the main verb, arrive.
  • Charlotte will be arriving in Mumbai in three hours, and her first order of business is to eat pani puri from her favourite food stall.
  • The entire stadium ______ ( cheer ) after the striker’s incredible goal in the ninetieth minute.
  • The sentence should be completed in the past progressivetense.
  • The subject is the entire stadium, so use the helping verb was with the -ing form of the main verb, cheer.
  • The entire stadium was cheering after the striker’s incredible goal in the ninetieth minute.